Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | He is Exalted(OS022)(CS068).pro

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He is Exalted(OS022)(CS068).pro
Orig Key: G | New Key:

Title: He is Exalted(OS022)(CS068)

Subtitle: Key=G

He is exalted
    G/B                C
The King is exalted on High
       C/E    D
I will praise Him
G                G/B
He is exalted, forever exalted 
    C  D    C/D    D   Esus  E
And I  will praise His Name  
Am Em/G   D/F#  D
He is the Lord  
  G         Bm          C    G/B
Forever His Truth shall reign
Am Em/G    D/F#  D
Heaven and earth 
  G            Bm   C   G/B
Rejoice in His Holy Name
Am     Am7/G       Fmaj7    C/D       G
He is exalted, the King is exalted on High{tag:CommunionOS}

Key: G